CV | Billy Watson

Creative, collaborative and personable Front End Engineer from the Peaks with a huge wealth of experience spanning agency, in-house and freelance roles across 12 years; including Next, Node, React (+ Native) and TypeScript.

A passion for accessibility and use of subtle animation and interactivity to enhance user experience. Interests include scuba diving and mountain biking.

Digits: Divider

Experience: Divider

Pets at Home


Principal Front End Engineer

- present


  • BulletPromoted to oversee the entire team of 15 engineers on complex e-commerce platform with 7M+ monthly visitors
  • BulletFocused on improving platform - auth enhancements; unblocking E2E tests; boosting performance and improving robustness
  • BulletMade tech debt a collaborative process; keeping the codebase modern and relevant whilst garnering a shared sense of ownership
  • BulletReviewed upcoming features; collaborating with other principals to scrutinise, prioritise and iterate
  • BulletImproved accessibility, usability, performance and conversion rates for users while boosting SEO and reducing churn
  • BulletTriaged incoming bugs to ensure they were refined and ready to fix before hitting squads
  • BulletRan accessibility audit, updating site components and pages to target WCAG compliance

Technical Lead



  • Bullet3x-extended consultant role at FTSE250 product company, to help huge digital transformation
  • BulletTasked with providing expertise to upskill existing engineers whilst also creating and delivering new Next site
  • BulletResponsible for completion of vital features like search, find-us, bookings, subscriptions and health plans
  • BulletLed three of six development squads, mentoring devs to boost in-house knowledge and skills
  • BulletDrove strategic technical decisions; instilled performant, scalable and robust coding techniques
  • BulletDefined coding standards, critiqued PR’s and encouraged best practices to ensure high code quality and test coverage
  • BulletIntroduced advanced mocking patterns and accessible strategy for Jest unit tests and Playwright integration tests

IAM Cloud


Senior Software Engineer



  • BulletDeveloped software UI used by thousands of companies and millions of customers
  • BulletLeveraged advanced React methodologies (use of hooks, callbacks and memoization)
  • BulletCreated extensive unit testing strategy for components, hooks and context
  • BulletExtended use of Chakra design system, with advanced Storybook implementation
  • BulletPublished packages to NPM with Rush monorepo for consumption by other projects
  • BulletUtilised Docker to spin up Verdaccio instance, allowing local testing without publishing
  • BulletSwitched to Vite stack instead of Webpack, and explored Vitest instead of Jest



Senior Software Engineer



  • BulletLed and mentored development team of 4 as a T-shaped engineer at travel company
  • BulletUsed TypeScript and GraphQL extensively in an Agile, product-focused environment
  • BulletContributed to component library shared by web (Next) and mobile (React Native)
  • BulletThoroughly unit tested code with Jest, explored functional and E2E tests with Cypress
  • BulletImproved code performance to enhance UX by reducing render and loading times
  • BulletDrove codebase accessibility audit, boosting usability for all users as well as SEO
  • BulletIntegrated feature flags and implemented AB testing in collaboration with data team



Lead Front End Developer



  • BulletPromoted to lead role after building out multi-faceted team of different seniority
  • BulletMentored and line-managed whole team; mapping objectives and running 1-2-1's
  • BulletHoned bleeding edge agency tech stack - Next, TypeScript, Node, Sass and Jest
  • BulletEmbraced GraphQL, using it in headless instances of Shopify and Contentful
  • BulletIntroduced modern unit testing with Jest // React Testing Library for code confidence
  • BulletRemained hands-on, developing major projects for Umbro, Lucy & Yak and CitySuites
  • BulletInvolved in strategic decisions like DX, branch strategy and Azure DevOps migration

Senior Front End Developer



  • BulletHeadhunted for senior role at service design agency after relocation to Manchester
  • BulletIntroduced ES6+, TypeScript, React and React Native as well as GSAP and Webpack
  • BulletImplemented advanced React concepts like custom hooks, context and suspense
  • BulletExpanded agency's expertise into mobile via creation of a TypeScript React Native app
  • BulletTurbocharged performance and SEO of agency website utilising Next and SSR
  • BulletDeveloped Alexa app with Node and Lamba, led agency’s official Alexa certification
  • BulletChampioned the PWA, leveraging advantages with an offline-capable Vue project



Front End Developer



  • BulletIn-house JavaScript expert at major ISP whose site receives millions of hits per year
  • BulletMentored placement student during project to rebuild Service Status in React
  • BulletIntroduced unit testing using Mocha and Chai, used Selenium for functional testing
  • BulletRebuilt old Grunt build stack in Gulp, saving the department 3 day's dev time per year
  • BulletDeveloped new prototype Member Centre in Angular after conducting user testing
  • BulletCompleted code reviews for entire department to encourage clean, manageable code

Havas Lynx


Front End Developer



  • BulletPromoted to mid-weight following advancement of skills and knowledge as a junior
  • BulletKey member of development team, initiated and led both individual and team projects
  • BulletActed up and ran department during replacement for outgoing Head of Front End
  • BulletHoned JS skills with use of Knockout, Require and writing custom Handlebars helpers
  • BulletMentored junior devs, advising on key decisions and best practices to develop skills
  • BulletResponsible for scheduling and timelines, hiring freelance resource where necessary

Junior Front End Developer



  • BulletGiven full time role as a junior developer after impressing during placement
  • BulletDeveloped websites, apps and eDetails; including for various client CLM platforms
  • BulletCollaborated with mobile team for iOS apps, using TeamCity and provisioning profiles
  • BulletInvolved in developing new build stack, moving from Jekyll + Zepto to Grunt + jQuery
  • BulletUsed templating tools like Handlebars, Assemble and Jade to avoid code repetition
  • BulletRan rapid prototyping - overnight app development for global company conference

Placement Developer


  • BulletOffered placement after being headhunted at university Creative Showcase
  • BulletFurthered experience to modern web technologies including HTML5, Sass and Zepto
  • BulletGained exposure to Back End technologies by working on PHP and .NET websites

Skills: Divider

Through my extensive experience I've gained a vast array of skillsets and expertise in a range of web and native technologies. I have a keen focus on thoroughly tested, scalable and maintainable code - which is performant and accessible - and live by the mantra: write less, do more! Next, Node, React Native and TypeScript is my preferred tech stack but I’m a firm believer in using the right tool for the job.

As a T-shaped engineer, I value collaboration with members of the wider project team across different disciplines. Having experience of leading teams and mentoring other engineers, I also find the management side of the job really rewarding, while at the same time cherishing the technical challenge of being an expert engineer. I am passionate about usability and accessibility and how these enhance UX.

Qualifications: Divider

Leeds Metropolitan University


First Class BSc (Hons) in Multimedia Technology

Lady Manners School


12 GCSEs and 3 A-Levels

Profile: Divider

References: Divider

Tom Tollafield

Head of Software, Pets at Home


Mattia Battiston

Engineering Manager, Pollen


Rob Dorsett

Technical Director, Absurd


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